2008年3月14日 星期五


1. Track your comments at a focal point -- Done.
2. Using personal portal. --
3. Make your blog organized by adding labels -- Done.
4. Reading Assignments: Read Chap 3. Answer the following questions.

What are the commercial values of Internet?

The sources of Internet value are that the Internet can be used to transform customer relationships, and it can displace or alter traditional sources of business value.
By exploiting the Internet, many aspects of traditional commerce can evolve from being supplier-centered to being customer-centered. Need to consider what the customers are interested.
By moving commerce from the physical world to the information world, enables commerce to shift from dealing with atoms to dealing with bits.

List some business strategies for online commerce.

channel master strategy-a customer-centered business organized around a product

e.g. Cisco
customer magnet strategy-a customer-centered business organized around meeting all the needs of a particular group of customers

e.g. Yahoo
value chain pirate-a strategy focus on the supply chain

e.g. Autoweb
digital distributor-a strategy focus on distribution-reaching the customer

e.g. Monster.com

2 則留言:

Yao Jen 提到...

Can you provide an evidence base for the strategies you listed? Some existing websites for example.

王釋寂-資工碩專二 提到...

Dear Sir,
