2008年3月14日 星期五


1. Track your comments at a focal point -- Done.
2. Using personal portal. --
3. Make your blog organized by adding labels -- Done.
4. Reading Assignments: Read Chap 3. Answer the following questions.

What are the commercial values of Internet?

The sources of Internet value are that the Internet can be used to transform customer relationships, and it can displace or alter traditional sources of business value.
By exploiting the Internet, many aspects of traditional commerce can evolve from being supplier-centered to being customer-centered. Need to consider what the customers are interested.
By moving commerce from the physical world to the information world, enables commerce to shift from dealing with atoms to dealing with bits.

List some business strategies for online commerce.

channel master strategy-a customer-centered business organized around a product

e.g. Cisco
customer magnet strategy-a customer-centered business organized around meeting all the needs of a particular group of customers

e.g. Yahoo
value chain pirate-a strategy focus on the supply chain

e.g. Autoweb
digital distributor-a strategy focus on distribution-reaching the customer

e.g. Monster.com

2008年3月5日 星期三


1. According to the book by Treese and Stewart, what is the commerce value chain? Why not see them on an individual basis?

The Value chain for a product is the chain of adding value in creating and delivering a product. Because when a consumer buys a manufactured item in a store, it is merely one step in a complex process that began with the raw materials used in creating the item. At each step in that process, something of value was added. That value might have been refining the raw materials, molding them into a useful shape, transporting them for further processing, or selling the item to the final consumer.

The components of general commerce value chain are as follows.
1. Attract customers.
2. Interact with customers.
3. Act on customer instructions.
4. React to customer requests.

An individual basis may not calculate all the values for a product
or may lose some components of general commerce value chain.

2. Is the Internet different from other media? Why?

One of the most important properties of the Internet that defines how the Internet is different from other media is that everyone can be a publisher, reaching the same worldwide audiences that giant media conglomerates reach.

Traditional mass media, such as newspapers, magazines, and television, reach large audiences, but the ability to do so is limited, either by the availability of scarce resources such as available television channels, or simply by the investment required to create and distribute the medium, but these limitations do not apply to the Internet.

According to "What is social media?", the author called Internet media as "social media" or "new media". Not like the old media, the new media (e.g. blog...) is infinite, syndicatable and linkable and easily reused, can be mashed up with data from other services...etc. It has the ability to interact with its audiences, and all the posts will be archived. You can modify the post at any time, and can put not only text, but audio, video, or photos in one post and hide your post if you want. To sum up, the Internet -new media- is very different from old media!!

3. Click here to collaborate on this document.

(Please having a request to access this document then I can invite you as a collaborator)

4. Customize my blog